Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Touch of Evil

Image from: http://www.cesta.cz/photos/tandt/film%20series%202006/touch%20of%20evil%2004_ok.jpg

For the most part, I enjoyed the movie, Touch of Evil. Although a bit corny at times, I thought the characters in the story were great and the actual story line was quite interesting. Orson Wells by far played my favorite character in the film. His acting was great, but what was even more convincing was his actual look. He fit his part extremely well and he really, in my opinion, made the film unique.

I usually have a difficult time enjoying black and white films, but I didn’t even notice that this film wasn’t in color. I was extremely surprised during the movie that I wasn’t finding myself becoming bored because of the lack of color. I was enjoying a black and white film. My bias towards black and white movies may now hopefully be diminished.

In all, I definitely felt like this film was a great representation of film noir. It had most, if not all of the characteristics of film noir which helped contribute to its diversity and entertainment.

According to the film, Touch of Evil, there are a few “rules” and “characteristics” that contribute to film noir. These rules and characteristics are ideas I have compiled from my own knowledge of film noir and also from what I’ve noticed through viewing movies that are specifically film noir.

Rules and Characteristics of Film Noir

Black and white
Smoke – in terms of cigarettes and just smoke that’s intended to create a sense that there is fog or ‘smoke’ in the air
Drastic use of lighting to create moments of intensity or drama
Token female characters – strong but usually the victim
Strong, male – hero (usually in love with the female victim)
Dramatic music during intense moments
Drugs and guns (and explosions)
Money - Fame
Big Cars
Token ‘bad guy’ (or in the case of Touch of Evil, a few ‘bad guys’)

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